the Cliniques Dramaturgiques are coming to Geneva

Created in 2016 as part of the Festival TransAmériques (FTA) in Montreal, the Les Cliniques Dramaturgiques project is an approach that aims to develop an open platform and strengthen links with local artistic practices. The Cliniques dramaturgiques offer creators of the performing arts – choreographers, authors, directors and performers – a space for support and exchange. In parallel with Festival programming, they promote encounters between guest dramaturgs and local artists. This project aims to forge innovative links and encourage reflection on dramaturgical practices that are at once reflective, avant-garde and daring.

The multi-disciplinary festival La Bâtie is staging the first edition of this project in Geneva, in collaboration with the FTA and Julie Gilbert, who has set up the group of Swiss and international guest dramaturgs: Maya Zbib (Lebanon), Silvia Soter (Brazil), Edoxi Lionnelle Gnoula (Burkina Faso), Sara Vanderieck (Belgium), Jessica Huber (Switzerland), Lidija Burcak (Switzerland), Anaïs Clerc (Switzerland) and Antonio Villa (Argentina). During their stay, they will attend performances, take part in daily meetings and participate in public activities such as round-table discussions with l’Abri‘s young resident artists.

Above all, they will be offering dramaturgical consultations to Geneva artists. These individual meetings, open to all (registration required), enable participants to deepen their research and overcome the challenges of their creative processes. This service is part of a concrete approach to supporting the local artistic community.

The Cliniques Dramaturgiques de La Bâtie will take place from September 4 to 10, with the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and Flux Laboratory.

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